Lifestyleof Nam’s Family

Nam’s family who moved from Ho Chi Minh City for a job transfer

  • Nam (42)

    The father, a car dealer who loves playing soccer and running

  • Cherry (5)

    The daughter at Ngo Thoi Nhiem Kindergarten

  • Hien (35)

    The mother, a real estate developer who loves cooking and shopping

  • Gaw (3)

    The son at Ngo Thoi Nhiem Kindergarten

of the Family

The Beginning of a New Life

Nam, who was working at a car dealership in Ho Chi Minh City, was transferred to a store in Binh Duong New City. He and his wife decided to buy an apartment instead of renting because they would be living there for a long time.

After looking around at various properties in Binh Duong New City, they arrived at the BECAMEX TOKYU sales gallery. There, they found a very attentive customer service and a passion for urban development.

What appealed to Nam was the Japanese quality of the houses. They chose SORA gardens ll, an Extra Life residence, as the new place for the family to live.

A different morning from Ho Chi Minh City

Since Nam moved here, running has become part of his daily routine. He wakes up earlier than his family and goes to Binh Duong New City Park to run for about an hour.

“The streets are well maintained and easy to run on, and the air is clean and fresh. It is a healthy and comfortable way to spend the morning, which is different from Ho Chi Minh City, and it surprises me and my family.”

Recent Favorites

“After my run, I went to ARTISAN. It’s a bakery from Korea and a popular store in TOKYU Garden City. It’s my favorite place to buy breakfast for my family these days.

It’s often posted on Instagram, and it’s become one of my children’s favorite foods, not only because it looks so delicious, but also because it tastes so good.”

Japanese style buses are a smooth way to drop off and pick up children

The KAZE SHUTTLE is a great help in picking up and dropping off my children at kindergarten every day. Thanks to the punctuality of the service, it is easy to make a schedule and it really helps me every day.

In addition to the cleanliness of the interior, the safe operation of the bus allows the children to spend time chatting with their friends and reading.

Coffee break by shuttle bus

Hien and her coworkers went to the Hikari food court for lunch. It is very convenient to get there by shuttle bus.

“My colleague told me about the expansion plan of Hikari area, and I learned that Pizza 4P's, which I used frequently when I lived in Ho Chi Minh City, will open a restaurant there.
I’m very excited to enjoy that taste again.

I’ll check the opening date on the TOKYU Garden City website later.”

Dinner time with the family

Nam called me in the evening. He said he’d pick the children up today. I’m glad that he has become more active in childcare since we moved to TOKYU Garden City. Actually, I know it’s because the KAZE SHUTTLE has made our life so much easier.

Today, we decided to have dinner at Wakaba, a Japanese restaurant that the children love. While waiting for Nam and the children, I couldn’t help but take a selfie in front of the stylish restaurant. As I was posting it on Instagram, Nam and the children arrived, smiling.

With children in a clean pool

My favorite thing to do on weekends is to go to the park and the pool. We don’t have to go far to play with the kids at the Binh Duong New City Park and pool right in front of us.

Today, Hien was taking Cherry out for lunch with her mom friends, so Nam went to the pool with Gaw.

The big, clean pool is Gaw’s favorite. I noticed that Gaw has learned to swim quite well.

Many events at TOKYU Garden City

There is an event organized by BECAMEX TOKYU once a month at TOKYU Garden City, and Cherry said, “Tonight is the Japan Festival! I want to wear a Japanese dress!”, so I let her wear a yukata, a gift from a Japanese colleague.

I am my daughter’s personal photographer, but everyone around us is also their children’s personal photographer.

The warmth and happiness of the event brought the family together.

A city where new things are born and growing

On Sunday, we took the free AEON Shuttle bus to go shopping.
When we lived in Ho Chi Minh City, I always rode a motorcycle to get around, but now that we live in TOKYU Garden City, we mainly use KAZE SHUTTLE to get around.

On the bus, I told Hien, “When you have a little more time and know that your actions are good for the environment, you can live a more relaxed life.”

Hien replied, “I’m sure there will be many exciting things to come as the city and the children grow up.”

I realized that the charm of this place was not only the house, but also the city.

I hope it will be sunny tomorrow morning.

The 15th Floor, WTC Tower Building, No.1 Hung Vuong Street,
Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province


Lifestyle of Nam’s Family